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153 Aniversario de la Nación. Video Mapping Arquitectónico. Marcel Márquez

153 Aniversario del colegio Militar de la Nación.

Ceremonia de Apertura en comemoración al Aniversario del @colegiomilitardelanacion
UNA OBRA QUE NARRA DESDE LA EMOTIVIDAD ; 153 años de Historia en Imágenes, usando la técnica de Video Mapping Arquitectónico una propuesta de arte multimedial con una
creación de contenidos audiovisuales interactivos y operaciones de vídeo en vivo ajustando tres fuentes de señal de video diferentes en una mega proyección unificada realizada y dirigida por el equipo de MINImaxStudio @minimaxvj . Fue presentado ante más de 2mil personas el 15 de Octubre 2022 con una duración de ocho minutos de creación sobre la Fachada principal del centro estudiantil que resalta desde su realización sunhistoria y los de valores de esta casa de estudio.

Daltónico colaborador del Arte al Corporativo (flashback) con Video Mapping. Vj con tendencias multimediales de la Habana a Buenos Aliens

#marcelmarquez #filmaker #edicion #videos #videoinstalacion #videoshow #videoshort
#videomapping #newmedia #newcinema #artecubano #artecontemporaneo #artes #vj #vjs #videomapping #conciertos #electronicmusic #videomappingcubano #conciertoaudiovisual #leds #screen #tecnica #mapping #audiovisales #vjcreation #MINImaxVJ


Marcel Márquez ( M.M ), Havana, 1985. Artes's graduate Plastic of the Academy of Fine Arts of San Alejandro in the 2006 and Tania Bruguera's Behavioral Cathedra Art belonging to the University of Arts 2007 and of Scenographic design at the Institute Superior Instituto of Arte ( ISA) 2009 for two years ( non-concluded Studies ). You have participated in different international events among themselves editions 9na, 10ma, 11na, 12da of the Bienal of Havana, Urban Arte's Festivity Pollinates from Valencia in Spain and Fair Art of Miami. Winner of the scholarship of creation of the Cultural Counsellor of The Spanish Embassy and winner in the festivity of short-lived sculpture, Living room of the city, 1er ACCESSIT in the XVII Edition. You have accomplished different Curator of expositions like CLUBnoCKE, Xl Bienal of Havana and Parche Rosa Sucio, shows first collective be more than enough of Havanan Graffiti. Like workshops and the lecturer has accomplished presentations in the program BRING near at St. Anthony's house of the Latin American Film Festival of Havana, in the Polytechnic University from Valencia
(Spain), in the house of Dawn and the International School and Cine of the Restrooms in Cuba. Founder of the bus of graffiti BCD crew (Bajo Condiciones Dificiles), of the magazine of Urban art BCDone and of the multimedia bus the Pink Pistols ( of music and live video, Vjs `s Dj `s ), hosts this last of the project club Atmosphere and Sarao Night Club. The jockey ( Vj ) with artists has worked with over nine years of experience like video of various generate them musical, choreographers and of other fields of arts. Since 2006 he has realized visual for spectacles for artists such like: Diana Fuentes, Kumar, Doble Filo, Etian Brebaje Man, AI, Nacional electronic, Kike Wolf, Anónimo Consejo, Diemen Duff, Dj Dark, The Hernmanas Labecke, Toy Select, Julieta Venegas etc. Cofounder and audiovisual Pro-Electronic director of the Festivity. In 2011 mapping is cofounder of the first video bus Cuban, Isla mappeada in a group ( *.IMG ). At present I work making bridges between creators and spaces, he is known as MM, minimax, IMG and work like fixer and artist enter the world of entertainment and the world of the Fine Arts with five years creating video mapping in Cuba.


Projection Mapping 2D Motion Graphics Scenography

